USDINR,EURINR,GBPINR Currency Aug 24, 2016, 09.51 AM

USDINR,EURINR,GBPINR Currency Aug 24, 2016, 09.51 AM

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Although USDINR pair opened higher on Tuesday at 67. 20,  it failed to sustain and turned lower and finally settled at  67.11 losing 0.23%. The pair has once again ended just  below the trend line. Going forward, if pair  surpass the trend line resistance of 67.15 then the  positive momentum will remain intact. If it fails to break then a correction can be seen till 67.03 then 66.90.


GBPINR finally breached the immediate resistance of 88.35 and edged higher on Tuesday and ended at 88.5 4  gaining 0.40%. Now the next resistance is at 88.90 of the slating trend line. While, supports are at 8 8.35  then 87.85. Ahead pair is likely to h of 88.90- 89.00 mark and buying is recommended on dips  around 88.30 - 88.35 levels.


 After continuous up move the EURINR pair opened at  76.10 and tested low of 75.90 there by it finally settled at  76.08, forming bearish Doji candle stick. Pair is s till  quoting within the rising trend channel, as long as it  remains within the channel the pa gains. While a breakdown of 75.88 will pull down th e pair  till the crucial support of 75.60. On higher side  resistances are seen at 76.15 then 76.65.